Due to my incessant laziness and fear of work, I've decided to start animating another cartoon: a parody of inFamous. Yea, yea, more video game parodies. Eat me. Still working on the Hellsing/Scooby-doo cartoon. Began the lip-syncing and, as usual, that work is daunting, so that's why I'll be working on the other thing side-by-side. I've got much of the inFamous cartoon already planned out with little drawings and I'm pretty sure it won't need much animating, so it shouldn't take longer. I've also got another little narrative that I'll animate, but I need to finish it first.
Continued work on that Lightning sketch. I'd say it's less than 10% done. Oof.
Well, at least I finished classes for a little while. Now I can have two more days of sitting on the computer pretending to be productive. Also, an earthquake woke me up today. Shit's wack, yo.
As always, because I'm such a whore, it'd be swell if you could subscribe to my Youtubez qui. Same stuff as here and some more shenanigans.
EDIT: Not exactly "new", but I finally decided to upload an improvised song my friends and I did a while ago. First time playing drums, woo : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/538116