Well. It has been months since my last pdate and haven't done any animation work at all except for a friend's simple final projection.
Yes. I'm lazy. Kill me.
I have just finished an electronic music class and am now more musically active. I don't exactly have Logic on my computer, but I have GarageBand and am currently working on a "soundtrack" to a Mega Man X homage game that I would like to make later on. I'll make sure to upload them all here and improve upon them in the far future.
Speaking of games, I teamed up with a few dudes on a simple little space shooter game that I've been also too lazy to work on. I'll get to it.
Speaking of speaking of games, my cohort and I finally got a video game recorder and our gaming channel is on full blast sorta. Have a look-see: http://www.youtube.com/user/DragoSpawn
Peace, yo.
Cool, mega man x sounds interesting.