Alright, here's the deal.
With your cartoons, after the first one or two I've seen, they all seem to run a similar route of "lol funny" disfigured caricatures of cartoons in very inappropriate dialogue. As such, the first 30 or so seconds of this I was pretty underwhelmed. Same gross-out factor designs and tongue-in-cheek voices and script. Shortly after, the whole thing took off thanks to the script. What you actually wrote here for Yami is really funny for some reason thanks in part to his grave delivery of it all. The joke trap card especially was very sneaky and well played (eh HEH HEH). With subsequent views, this cartoon gets funnier each time. I'm not going to tell you how to make your cartoons, but I would pay extra attention to the dialogue like you did here to really suck us into it unlike other generic face-value "lOoK aT tHeSe WaCkY cHaRaCtErS" poops other people make.