I'm really starting to animate thanks to the winter break. The PS "Collab" piece is being delayed for a little while as is the Mass Effect one.
I've begun working on a Mega Man X one. I'm going through a nostalgia phase right now and just wanted to do something with it. Although, I'm just improvising as I go through it. I haven't thought of what's gonna happen yet. I watched Oney's tutorials on the Youtubes and they really helped out with my shit animation. Watch them if you want to improve.
I've always been a fan of the X games. I don't understand why the original Mega Man ones are so all over the place. i don't even like them that much. X is where it's at, kiddies.
That's it, yo.
Hmm. That's a good idea. I don't have the credentials to start one. You or someone else start it.