Hello, here are six things that inspired me these past two weeks. Because I completely shut myself off last week.
1. Concert
I went to a concert to see a band that I met last year, and I had a great time seeing the five bands that played. I even took a few nice photos with a good camera. It's been too long since my last concert, and it really fuels my drive towards the music scene.
My third time attending the show. At least, I only have time/money to get the exhibit pass for a couple hours to check out all of the artists' booths. I saw a few familiar faces and managed to only buy a handful of things this time. I hope to be able to have my own booth one day. I didn't take this photo, but here is the booth of Brigitte Roka. Singer of the afformentioned band.
3. Novembrine Waltz
A "progressive/atmospheric death metal" band from Italy. One of my favourites with their mix of beautiful and aggressive music. Their last album took 9 years to come out in 2015 (I think). A solid influence in my target sound.
4. Mega Man X1
The first in a video game series that I've played since I was a wee thing. I started with the fourth one and made my way forward. Only a few years ago did I finally play the first three. This was the second time I've played through this and it surprisingly holds up as very good. Too bad the next two games get progressively worse to the point of garbage. Great game mechanics, visual designs, and excellent soundtrack that stand the test of time.
5. Ratchet & Clank Gallery
Another longtime video game series of mine. The Gallery Nucleus in... Alhambra (?) held a galery of concept art and props from the commercials, and I was absolutely giddy to go and buy some merchandise, too. I don't have a vinyl player yet, but oh well! Comedic and actiony sci-fi adventures as a staple in my influences.
6. Brigitte Roka
The singer of the band Aboleth (the band I went to see) and also booth-holder at CTNX (where I met her last year). A great example of a multi-skilled artist in the visual and music department. Her visual stuff is mostly watercolour (I think) and it looks phenomenal.