Yo, here are three things that inspired me artistically this week
1. Dragon Ball Super (again)
As usual, I continue to follow the show every Sunday morning. It becomes a hot, fiery topic every week among its watchers when the show continues breaking rules and logic with how the fighters get stronger than each other, but it's all good entertainment and if I had more time, I'd love to draw them all and make some pretty pictures.
2. Lenarr Young
A fantastic example of a Youtube comedian who, I assume, works mostly by himself. He frequently posts videos of himself acting out shenanigans as multiple characters and often makes fun of hip-hop people or tropes. How one person, like Filthy Frank, can do all this by himself is pretty inspiring. Another thing I wish I could do if I had the time.
3. Source Filmmaker
A free 3D animation program where people use any assets available to them, like models, environments, and the like, and pretty much throw it all together and fiddle around with technical things like lighting to make their own movies or posters. I especially like the user-friendly interface unlike every other 3D software I've used, but you don't have to worry about creating models here, so that's probably why. When I buy my own PC soon, I'll be jumping headfirst into this.
did you see that epic ultra instinct kamehameha?
Fo sho. Glad he kicked her out. She got annoying.