@HipnikDragomir So last night after writing some reviews sfor newgrounds I went to go smokke a ciggerate on my back porch and it was 11 pm or 12 pm at midnight well half way through my ciggerate after hearing some rustling in my neighbors yard i felt like a pair a twisers pinched my finger tip on the middle of the inde and i heard this crazy bizare laugh right after i looked down at the small looking paper cut on my finger tip that serously just got there that secound as im mouthing the words "what the hell is going on?" cause i got a splinter on my other index finger when i was doing yard work any ways as soon as i mouthed those words a crazy bizzare laugh came from my neighbors yard where i heard some one walking around as soon i as look up to look for some one it sounded like a clown laugh honestly but no one was there or i just could not see them but i finished my cigg as fast as i can and nearly ran inside feeling the emotion of fear and i grew up watching horror movies making neighborhood watch clubs which means i dont get scared that easy but it was so weird.... idk what do you think it is?
I am scared and need your help not cops only yours !